How We Make A Difference

We at Tenue. believe that the most sustainable garments are the ones that last the longest. With this in mind, quality and longevity are the main drivers in our design process. We are in the game to create products that will stand the test of time and are worn every day.

tenue menno italy

Like with any great recipe, ingredients are key. Therefore, it is essential to always consider what goes into our Tenue. jeans. Together with our fabric suppliers we are continuously experimenting with organic and recycled fabrics, cotton substitutes and more sustainable dyeing methods, whilst maintaining Tenue.’s durability standards. We’re also replacing outdated denim washing processes with modern, more environmentally friendly methods in our factory in Italy when developing jeans with a worn-in look. 

tenue waste no more 

Organic Cotton & Recycled Cotton

All Tenue. jeans are made with certified organic and/or recycled cotton. If possible we use less water demanding cotton supplements such as hemp and linen and aim to replace virgin cotton with as many recycled fibres as possible. At present the majority of Tenue. jeans consists of 20% recycled cotton. Why not 100%? In order to guarantee the strength and quality of our fabrics, we combine recycled cotton yarns with virgin cotton ones. We continue to work together with our suppliers to find a more balanced ratio between recycled and virgin cotton and hope to eventually close the loop: a pair of jeans made from 100% recycled cotton. 

Regenerative Cotton

Recently we added a new chapter to our search for sustainable fabrics: Denim fabric made with regenerative cotton. The downside of organic farming is that it consumes about twice the m2 of land compared to conventional cotton farming. The good news is that Regenerative (Re-Gen) cotton is like combining the best of both worlds: It reduces the environmental impact, and the soil stays healthy and clean. Re-Gen cotton farming enhances carbon absorption and stimulates bio-diversity by intercropping, crop rotation and little or no tilling after harvesting. Altogether, Re-Gen cotton is a holistic approach to farming that regenerates natural resources.

tenue re-gen cotton

Jeans are characterised by their indigo blue colour. In the past, the dyeing of denim fabric used to be done with natural indigo, a substance made from the Indigofera plant. The popularity and increase in demand for denim resulted in a synthetic dye. Those dyes make it easier to control big bulk orders, because it can provide a constant, solid blue colour through an entire batch of jeans. At Tenue., dyeing is another process we aim to make more responsible by for instance re-developing dyes with natural indigo. Our fabric supplier Orta provides an indigo passport revealing components used in production for each fabric that leaves the factory.

tenue fabric supplier
Tenue. Recycling Program  

Our search for sustainability and a more responsible wardrobe doesn’t stop when a pair of jeans leaves our warehouse. At Tenue., we believe in prolonging the life of any garment, which is why we provide free lifetime repairs on all Tenue. jeans at our repair shop in Amsterdam. We will also recycle Tenue. jeans if, for example, they don’t fit you any longer. In these cases, we will determine if the jeans can be cleaned and/or repaired so that another person can continue to wear them. To stimulate this, we’ll provide you with a 25% discount voucher on your next denim purchase. If your Tenue. jeans are really beyond repair, our in-house tailors will find another way to re-purpose them for you.

tenue recycle program

Check our our suppliers to learn more about the people we work with.
